Job hunting and accelerating your career

Nazwa Biura: Biuro Karier UJ
Nazwa Uczelni: Jagiellońskie Centrum Językowe UJ
Województwo: małopolskie
Miasto: Kraków
Tytuł wydarzenia: Job hunting and accelerating your career
Rodzaj wydarzenia:
  • prezentacja
Forma wydarzenia: online
Pon.: nie dotyczy
Wt.: 7 marca 2023 (wtorek)
W godzinach: 17-19
Śr.: nie dotyczy
Czw.: nie dotyczy
Pt.: nie dotyczy
Opis wydarzenia:

Learn about how professionals are approaching the job-seeking process. We’ll talk about resumes, cover letters, and the use of AI in recruiting. During this session, you’ll also learn about how Americans prepare for interviews and how they build and use their professional networks.

We’ll discuss the concept of mentors, job referrals, upskilling, managing up, negotiating salaries and benefits, and changing jobs.

We’ll also mention student work visas and visiting scholars programs at American universities. We’ll share some tips and good practices for those interested in applying to Ph.D. programs in the US.

Izabela Rutkowski has been a career development advisor for graduate students at Columbia University since 2013. She is currently directing the Mathematics of Finance Program at Columbia University, where she is overseeing the program’s administration, career services, employer and alumni relations. Rutkowski holds a master’s degree from Columbia Journalism School, where she also worked as a career development advisor until 2019.